Categories: OstatniDokumentyEn Prague Should Dance the BREXIT Fandango Jeremy Monk, AKRO investiční společnost, a.s.: Prague is that shy girl sitting in the corner. She doesn’t realise she’s the prettiest girl in the room. As Paris, Frankfurt and Madrid strut their stuff and even Dublin, Warsaw and tiny Luxemburg show their moves; Prague has thus far refused to dance. The other European cities are, of course, all dancing the Brexit fandango: Seductively putting forward their credentials as a safe harbour for firms, especially professional service firms, relocating activities from London in response to Britain’s decision to leave the European Union (EU). Previous Article AKAT Workshop in London: 20 years on the Czech capital market Next Article Annual press release 2017 Print Documents to download Documents to download prague_should_dance_the_brexit_fandango(.pdf, 1.14 MB) - 920 download(s)